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3 Steps To Solve PSLE Math Non-Routine Questions [NEW Trend]

We have noticed an emerging trend of 'non-routine questions' or 'reasoning and communication strategies' introduced in the Primary 5 2022 syllabus. This signals the possible types of "challenging" brain teaser-type questions that make up "15% of PSLE Math questions each year"- says an MOE official.

PSLE math questions is gradually moving away from "memorisation, rote learning and drilling", getting less predictable and more interesting! 😉

Hence, we have advanced our latest UNBOXED math syllabus and coined a 3-step approach to help your child tackle these question types.

1. Understanding

“We don't want students to try to memorise certain ways of working, but to instead apply and practise the general mathematical principles and challenge themselves.” - Dr Ridzuan, MOE's curriculum planning and development division

At UNBOXED, rather than having our students "memorise", we heavily emphasise on their understanding. For example, with questions involving 'Fractions, Decimals, Percentage and Ratio', they are inclined to sieve out from the questions key information such as common/unchanged identities.

Check out our PSLE Math Intensive LIVE! sessions here as we bring our students through understanding the requirements of the questions before tackling them.

2. Concepts

Equipping our students with a treasure trove of concepts gives them confidence to tackle examination questions. When they first understand and learn to identify types of questions, they are able to match concepts accordingly and solve using familiar ways! Some students say concepts are like "ammunition" for them.

With our small-group classes capped at 6 students and additional consultations, our students can also voice out any gaps of understanding regarding these concepts along the way.

3. Exposure

Students need exposure across vast types of questions and not just be limited to the drill of commonly-tested questions. Math is not just about its content but application. Our "non-routine questions" found in our worksheets puts their dexterity to apply familiar concepts to the test, here are 3 examples: (swipe to try 🤩)

As the acronym suggests, "U Can Excel!" it is a reminder to our students that there are possible ways to excel with learning math concepts at UNBOXED! Be it the 15% of challenging PSLE Math questions or setting the foundation for the rest of the 85%, we have got your child covered.


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