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Basics of Grouping (For P1-P3)

The concept of Grouping is essential for Primary School Math and PSLE. It forms the foundation for concepts like 'Quantity vs Value', 'Supposition/Assumption', 'Patterns- Gaps' and more!

Here's an example of a pictorial representation of how the basics of grouping can be summarised.

On top of drilling your child on his/her multiplication and division, it is imperative to start with visualisation and understanding. Hence, using manipulatives in our lower primary classes (e.g cubes as illustrated below) breaks down in simple sense what is happening. It eases them into more advanced concepts of grouping for PSLE.

Walk your child these steps below to understand the basics of grouping.

1. Count the 'Total' (number of cubes).

2. Allocate the 'Number in one group'. E.g putting 3 cubes in each group.

3. Count the 'Number of groups'.

In this case, there are 8 groups in total.

Hence, we can form a simple number statement: 24 = 8 x 3.

You may get your child to repeat this exercise with variations of 'Total', 'Number in one group' and 'Number of groups' and form simple number statements with them.

Once your child understands the basics of grouping, he/she can move on to solving problem sums. Here's some examples of how UNBOXED math worksheets reinforce on simple grouping concepts:

Does your child get confused between 'quantity' (i.e number of things) and 'value' (e.g $, cm, mℓ, etc)? 🤔

Click here to learn how to differentiate between 'quantity' and 'value' in grouping concept!


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