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Grouping- Quantity vs Value (For P3-P6) *inclusive of FREE materials

Have you ever wondered how to get your child to effectively differentiate Quantity vs Value?

(as this involves an important PSLE Math concept of Grouping, which forms the foundation of many other concepts)

Below is an example of how you can do it.

Well, a commonly-asked question asked is: “Should I indicate the units of measurement e.g $, cm, mℓ, etc in my workings?” The answer is yes, if there are quantities and values in the question. Including the units of measurement in your workings reflects to the examiner clarity of thought (tells him/her what exactly is “number of groups”, “value in 1 group”).

Here’s an example of a P3 question using Grouping- Quantity vs Value:

Click here to recap the basic framework for the concept of Grouping.

UNBOXED Grouping- Quantity vs Value questions (with answers provided) from P3 to P6 are available below for FREE download, have a go at it!

Well, what happens when grouping items lands you with a remainder? To ignore or to include? We will explore it here.


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